Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Corine de Farme: Baby Lotion

At first, I was looking for a natural body lotion – I went to pharmacies, checked department stores as well as online stores but I didn’t find any good body lotion (natural ingredients with good value for money). Then I remembered Corine de Farme! They have baby products and yes, they have baby lotion with natural ingredients – based on 97% of natural origins. Here is my second Corine de Farme product: baby lotion for myself!

After using this baby lotion for 2 weeks, here is my experience:

Benefit: Gentle moisturizer for babies and adults


I use this baby lotion twice a day, after morning and evening shower. The texture of this baby lotion is lightweight and easy to applied and quickly absorbed into my skin. It doesn’t leave greasy residue. This lotion makes my skin soft and what I love most from this product is the sweet almond scent – it’s so wonderfully sweet and not overpowering. This ultra light body lotion is perfect in a sunny day and perfect for tropical weather. I will not recommend this lotion for someone with dry skin. For my normal to dry skin, I’m happy using this lotion, even though sometimes I combine it with MooGoo Udder Cream. Overall, I love it!

There is no sunscreen nor SPF ingredients listed – hey, wait this is a baby lotion! Well, yes I use sunscreen after applying this baby lotion during day time.

Last thing to say: I wish Corine de Farme in the near future launch the real body lotion for adults in Indonesia…

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