Di perjalanan saya di Aussie,
saya membeli beberapa merek natural and organic skincare. Sekalipun merek
Jurlique seakan calling my name ketika saya walking around Myers dan David
Jones, saya keukeh engga beli karena I thought I better prepared my luggage
space for brands I can’t buy via Strawberrynet – I can buy Jurlique
later via internet. And yes, I bought some natural skincare brands made in
Australia you might never heard before: Organi, Nude, Lapurete dan Sukin.
Tapi, kondisinya beda ketika saya
ready to go home and when I have left my heavy luggage at check-in counter. I
was waiting for boarding call at Melbourne Tullamarine Airport. I arrived at the airport quite early – 3
hours before my departure schedule, so I had enough time to shop around. Saya
sungguh tempted to buy Jurlique products di duty free shop di Melbourne airport
– not to mention that it was in my wish list for many years. Meskipun saya
mencoba untuk mengalihkan my focus by exploring Australian souvenirs for
families and friends, at the end, 15 minutes before boarding, saya beli gift
pack of Jurlique Deep Moisture Indulgence Trio hahahahah…
This gift pack contains of three
Jurlique products: Jurlique Herbal Recovery Gel, Jurlique Rosewater Balancing
Mist dan Jurlique Balancing Day Care Cream. Produk pertama yang saya pakai dari
gift pack ini adalah Herbal Recovery Gel yang merupakan antioxidant serum. Ok,
lemme share my first Jurlique experience:
Benefit: anti-aging, antioxidant
facial serum, powered by nature.
Saya menggunakan serum ini twice
a day and I use it before applying my Jurlique moisturizer. Sebelum dipakai,
serum dalam kemasan botol kaca elegant ini harus dikocok dulu. Usually I use
two pumps and apply it all over my face and neck. Tekstur dan scent-nya light
dan mudah diratakan dan terserap oleh kulit dan non-sticky. Memakai Herbal
Recovery Gel ini membuat kulit wajah saya menjadi terlihat fresh, glowy, even
dan moist. Bekas jerawat yang meninggalkan scar di wajah jadi tampak memudar.
Tidak ada kesan oily yang tertinggal di wajah. Overall, my skin texture is
better after using this serum. Awesome!
Drawback: nope.
This is my first Jurlique, I
can’t wait to try more Jurlique products!!
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