How was your 2012 life? Have you
managed to achieve your 2012 resolution plan?
Early of 2012, I only had 2
simple resolution plans: reduce weight by 7 Kg and start having a blog. And
yeaayyy I managed to reduce my weight by…4 Kg only…still quite far from my
target though… Yet, I have started this
blog. And now…to have my 2013 resolution plan, I can’t help to keep reading one
article by Toomey from Wellbeing Magazine website. It’s about Passion Plan( Lemme sum up this inspiring article for you..
Everyone is busy. We have many
things to do, yet we get bored easily. We try to overcome it by buying more
stuffs, seeking more pleasure and even having vacations more. According to
Toomey, it’s a sign that we are stressed out.
To really overcome our stress and boredom, we need to find our passion –
it means we need to live with strong sense of purpose. Passion isn’t necessary
to be our job, but Toomey highlighted that a passion should be something that
gives positive impact to others.
While there is no such thing as
passion indicators, at the end of the article, Toomey provided us with some
questions to help us to find our passion:
1. Are
you constantly stressed and worried? 2. What did you really want to do with your life in your teens?
3. When you open a newspaper, what sort of things get you stirred up?
4. What things would you love to change for the better?
5. What is something in the world that really excites you or makes you really sad?
6. What is something you believe should be done to make the world a better place?
At last, hope all of us will find
our purpose drive passion in 2013 and make our life meaningful.
Happy New Year 2013..